Friday 26 July 2013

End of the Blog

As with Amy's blog I feel turning 3 is a good time to end the Blog. Jess is such a funny, kind, caring and loving girl. She try's to make people happy, she likes to share and loves cuddles.

Jess finds it hard being left by Mummy at school or if Mummy goes out.Jess is very girly and loves disnesy princesses, dolls, babies and pink. She is a little fussy about food but loves sweet things, fruit, squash (mummy drink) and big cereal (shreddies).

Jess is very clever and talks so much, she knows all sorts of words, she starting to take interest in words and numbers.  She is out of nappies at day and night too.

She has achieved so much, she loved Shurdington Pre-School and hopefully will love Benhall Pre-School when she starts in September. She is an amazing and beautiful little girl.

Saturday 25 May 2013

Esme comes to stay

Our friend Esme came to stay with her Mummy and Daddy. We went to two parks and introduced Esme to the world of dressing up!



Tuesday 14 May 2013

Jessica's 3rd birthday

How come my baby has become three already!
Jess's birthday was everything to do with princesses - a princess Snow white cake

Princess Party - Amy made up Princess party games


Many Princess toys and dolls

Sunday 28 April 2013


We went off to stay at Rhi's and Ian's house in London. We went into the city and saw Buckingham Palace and many other places!

 We went to the local park

 Amy's souvenier
 a real pirate ship - the pirates were a little scary

Tuesday 5 March 2013

Monday 25 February 2013

Wales, walking and more

we went to Wales for lunch with some of Daddy's friends and they had some great dressing up things

We went for a walk in the crunchy leaves

learning to wash up