Monday 26 December 2011


Jess was swept along in the excitment that Amy felt. At first she didn't really want to open her stocking presents and kept giving them to Daniel. But by the end of the day she had got the hang of it! She kept saying 'me' when presents were being handed out. Both girls had a lovely day!

Saturday 17 December 2011

Father Christmas

We went to see Father Christmas on the Train. This was Jess' first time meeting him and I am not sure what she thinks of him!!

Thursday 15 December 2011

Grannie's House

 Jess and Amy helped decorated Grannie's christmas tree

 Jess adores this snowman and waves at 'man' everytime we visit Grannie and misses him lots when he is taken down.

Sunday 11 December 2011


We went to see uncle Brian and Auntie Jo at their house for a party! We had great fun in their house, saw a rabbit in the garden nearby and had some lovely party food.

The next day Uncle Timmy came to see us and gave the girls their own mini christmas tree

Wednesday 7 December 2011


amy was in the nativity at school and Jess was so excited to see Amy - she kept pointing at her saying Amy, Amy....

Sunday 4 December 2011

Eva's dedication

Today we went to celebrate Eva's dedication and wore our new party dresses

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Jess is speaking more she says 'my mummy' and my daddy and bye - as well as singing 'Ei i o'

Sunday 20 November 2011

Dressing up

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Ask Jess are you a sheep and she says 'baa'!

Saturday 12 November 2011

Jess says Hello and Daniel now

Friday 11 November 2011


This weekend Jess has learnt Daddy and she is now very excited when she sees him! She also say 'Ohh' too!
Jess says There and On. Points and Squeals a lot at things she likes.
She likes cats, farm toys, in the night garden toys, and especially dancing with her thumbs up!

Thursday 3 November 2011


Jess now says Cat, Mummy (a lot to a lot of things!!), Bear, Rabbit and 'quack quack'. she wants to know what everything is and points to things and says mummy as a way of asking. She is so mobile now, and loves walking, running, climbing and giggling! She does scream a lot, to which Amy often tells her to stop screaming! Amy still calls Jess 'Digga' or Digs!

Monday 31 October 2011


Jess went to her first Halloween party today at our Neighbours Louise and Isabelle - she loved their black cat Toni!

Wednesday 26 October 2011


Jess properly said Mummy rather than Mama today!

Wednesday 5 October 2011

I feel so guilty that I have not kept this blog going for Jess in the same way I did for Amy but the trouble is there doesn't seem to be time to. Also Jess is doing everything so fast!

She climbs, she climbs on chairs, beds, under tables, on slides, climbing frames in the playground and anythings he can find. She is so adventurous, she does everything her sister does.

Yesterday Jess met her first Budgie at the vets and was fascinated. She really loves animals and seems to have bedfriended a little jack russell called Lizzie which belongs to Grannies friend Shirely.

Jess is such a cuddler and so smily. she has such an expressive face, she delights everyone who meets her. She also knows how to make her wishes know by pointing, speaking and nodding. She understands so much that we say and I think will be very quick to pick up words. She now says Mummy, Daddy, Amy, we think said please too. She squeals when she sees animals too.

Jess has 12 teeth now, is walking very well and starting to run. She sleeps very well too, eats well, uses a spoon and folk very well. She also lets me know when her nappy is dirty.

Jess and Amy have a lovely relationship (really hope it continues) they give each other cuddles, kisses, toys and play so sweetly together. They do scream and fight over some toys but mostly play well.

Jess currently loves getting my underwear out of my drawer and wearing it like a scarf!!!

She is growing so fast and is almost 18 months old now!

Wednesday 21 September 2011


Jess is starting to talk lots she had just started to say Amy, brush, drink, me and book....

She is growing up so fast, has new shoes size 3 1/2 E.

She loves walking , eating cat food (as well as sand & guinea pig poo! Yuck). Jess loves her sister so much, gives her big cuddles and kisses. Jess still loves apples and pears too.

Thursday 1 September 2011


Jessica now has 10 teeth - she is very good when she is getting them generally get woken up once  a night for a couple of days, she may want her mummy more but other than that she is a good girl!

Jess loves doing Roly Poly's ! you ask her and she does a head stand - then waits for you to roll her over!!!

New words Bye Bye, Hell0 (loves waving and blowing kisses - and cuddles!)

A couple of days ago - Daddy was baby sitting - and when Mummy came home and looked through the window - Jess was in her seat at the table - drinking from the flower vase!!!! Monkey!

Jess is such a lovely happy girl, her blond hair is coming through thick and fast and she pulls some wonderful facial expressions!

Tuesday 16 August 2011

We have spent the last week at Grannie's house looking after Grannie after she broke both wrists. Jess has been so good, been walking everywhere - and eating lots of apples from the tree is the garden!

Friday 22 July 2011

New shoes!! Jess has her first pairs of shoes now that she is walking everywhere! We've also put the highchair into the attic, so Jess sits next to Amy on a booster.

Words we think we've heard to date, Up, There, Grandad, Out....

Monday 11 July 2011

Yummy Sand

today Jess had her first proper experience of a beach!! She ate so much sand - and then with sun cream all over her, including her hair - Jess decided to roll in the sand, becomming a sand baby!!!!

Jess then had a go at driving- this is her second cousin Ollie's car - we are currently on holiday in Poole Dorset staying at Ollie, Jude and Mark's house whilst they are in France. Amy and Jess had fun playing in the garden this afternoon, enjoying all his toys!

Friday 8 July 2011

Teeth, words and horses!!

Last friday after taking Jess in the pushchair to take Amy to school, putting her down for a sleep, taking her back in pushchair to collect Amy, taking her to the park - I only then found a plastic horse in her trousers!! Been there the whole time, not 100% sure how it got there although I did put her in new trousers just before leaving the house and she was standing playing with the farm, so guess that is when it happened. Must have been so uncomfortable!!

Jess has now said the word bib in response to Mummy saying bib, bang in response to dropping something, she also says Up, Mummy and Duck.

Jess has a her 5th tooth now, she is so good at getting them we generally have one night where she wakes crying, sometimes a bit if nappy rash too.

A couple of days ago - Jess made the 'universal' uh-oh/doh sign!! when she took off her bib and I noticed, saying Jessica where is your bib, she very cutely put her hand over her mouth, as if to say 'uh-oh' she knew what she had done!!!

Jess also waves and blowes kisses when someone goes. She also often crawls up to you and gives you a cuddle and kiss.

Jess is now walking more and more - she can walk up to 8 steps before falling over - so cute!

Wednesday 6 July 2011


Saturday 2 July 2011

On Monday Jessica along with Amy, Mummy and Granny went to Cotswold Farm Park, this was Jessica's second visit, last year she slept most of the time!  Jess pointed at lots of animals, squealed when she saw them but then hid behind my leg when they got too close! We ate a lot of sand too in the sandpits!

Jess is pointing a lot! She is chatting lots too, starting to say things such a UP, Mummy, Daddy etc

Sunday 26 June 2011

more moving about..

Jess took 4 steps today trying to walk from high chair to a beach ball Amy had been playing with. Later today she then stood up from sitting without holding onto anything.

she also has spots, just not sure if it is the measles spots nurses warned me might appear after her MMR or a heat rash, been a very hot day!

Tuesday 21 June 2011

Bye Bye

When we left Grannies house, Jess said 'Bye Bye' after blowing kisses and waving! My little lady is growing up fast x

Thursday 9 June 2011

first steps

Today Jess stood alone for over a minute and then took a step over to me - one step but a great start!

Wednesday 25 May 2011


Today Jess stood a couple of times on her own! Once when she took a ricecake from her friend Livy - she stood for about 30 seconds on her own. Again later she let go of me and stood for same time. She is doing so well!

Happy 1st Birthday

Today Jess is 1 - I can't believe a year has gone past, she is such a happy little girl!

Climbing at Grannie's

Grannie had Jess and Amy whilst Mummy was at work, they went to playgroup and she was crawling, standing and climbing everywhere! She also let others hold her - funny how different she is when Mummy is away.
At Grannies house Jess climbed up the first step at Grannie's, she was also found climbing onto the video cabinet flap.. at home she also climbed onto the toy box.. Little monkey is such a climber!
Jessica has her 4th tooth!

Sunday 1 May 2011


This week Ali, Julia and baby Esme came to stay. Jess and Esme really got on, they kept giggling at each other, babbling to each other and cuddling. Esme stayed in the girls room, shared their bath. We think she even said Esme! When Esme left, Jess crawled into Esme's car seat and gave her a kiss, it was so sweet!

Tuesday 26 April 2011

Turned out poor baby had had an ear infection which she kicked without the need of antibiotics! Good girl.

Monday 25 April 2011

More teeth?!?

Jess has a bit of a temperature yesterday afternoon, last night and this morning. Isn't happy wondering if it is more teeth. Poor things, paracetomol seems to be helping...

Sunday 24 April 2011

Easter Sunday

Jess celebrated her first Easter sunday, not sure she knew much was going on - Amy did the easter egg hunt and allotted a bunny rabbit and some chocolate eggs to Jessica. We then went to lunch with Grandad.