Tuesday 22 March 2011


Phew, I stopped breast feeding Jess in time - today she has her first tooth breaking through!!

Monday 21 March 2011

Last Breast Feed

After nearly 10 and half months, Jess had her last breast feed last night, I decided this evening, as I think teeth are coming, and she seems to comfort suck that I wouldn't feed her tonight and see if she settles just with formula. Fingers crossed she was ok, she didn't try to breast feed, drank lots from cup and seem to settle ok.

I feel a little sad, end of Jess needing me solely - and that is an end of an era for me. My little baby is growing up !

Farm Visit

Today Jess, Amy, Grannie and I went to visit two farms to see calves, lambs, ducks, horses and some big chicks. I think Jess was very puzzled by these big animals....!

Friday 18 March 2011


Jess is now proper crawling ! As well as pulling herself up to standing on everything!

Sunday 13 March 2011


Today was Jessica's Baptism, help at St Peter's Church Leckhampton, where we got married and Amy was baptised. The service was held by Paul Wilkson. Godparents are Robin Upton (Marcus friend from School), Jon (Timmy) Reay (my friend from Bristol Uni), Lisa Drake (Marcus Cousin) and Sarah Dodd (my friend from St Edwards school).

It was a lovely day, the weather was stunning, Jess and Amy behaved so well in Church, Jess did cry though when the water was put over her heard. We had a party at Grandad's house, lots of friends and family attended. Granny and Grandpa Annfield came all the way from France.

Jess did though sleep the most of the way through the party and Grannie (Esplen) made a lovely cake.

Wednesday 2 March 2011

and now we are standing....

Jess has been standing up holding on to our hands for a while but today managed it all by herself - firstly on her toy box, then on Amy's whilst Amy was sitting on it (I am not sure Amy was impressed as she told her to 'go away').

Jess then went on standing up on anything she could find - the toy car, cot, stools, Amy!!

Jess also tried cruising too along the toy box and looked at the fireguard to see if she could manage that!