Thursday 2 February 2012

up date on Jessica's talking!

7 December  - Jess said Hat, there, cat and treee
8 December  - very clearly Amy
13 December - banana (nanana) and more
15 December - bauble and pretty
24 December - Dan
26 December - chocolate!!
not, no, yes and me - is now audible as is Peppa (as in Pig), Elmo, and Pooh (as in Winnie) and Upsy Daisy
Eyes, hair, nose and cuddle
9 january - identifies owl, cat, dog and rabbit
10 Janaury - bye bye, book and ball
25 January - Abra (as in wand), bed, 'onne' phone, sky, hand, eye, ear, balloon and hair
Dad-Dad is Grandad, Graddie is Grannie  also money, and there - also 'am (as in Fireman Sam) and Norman!