Sunday 27 February 2011


Well no doubt about it, Jessica's first word was Daddy, she definately said that today!

yummy blueberries

Jess tried blueberries this week and loves them. We've also had to put her cot down to the last level now that she is pulling herself up to sitting all the time and starting to try to get to standing.

Wednesday 23 February 2011

Sitting Up....

Jess is now able to get herself up to sitting from crawling - she always seems to do it when I am out of the room though!!!

She can also walk, very wobbly, holding on to ours hands..

Sunday 20 February 2011


the last couple of days Jess has started talking steps when she is standing up!!! Amy keeps saying that we need to get Jess a 'bee bag' like hers...

Monday 14 February 2011

9 Months Old today

I can't believe Jess is 9 months old already - she has been out of my tummy nearly as long as she was in - she is growing up so fast..

Sunday 13 February 2011


Poor Jess has the sneezes, a nasty cough and a runny nose.. poor little mite has a cold and feels very sorry for herself.

We also took her to her first Christening today, she cried all through it! opps I think it was because she felt poorly and also that she didn't like me taking away the order of service which she thought was tasty indeed!

Jess is doing very well with finger food, eating fish fingers, chicken balls etc great to be able to feed Amy and Jess the same thing.

Thursday 10 February 2011

Cup Feeding

Today was a very momentus day for Jess and me, we stopped the 4 O'clock feed and she had a cup instead. A very sad moment for me, as it signifies the beginning of the end of breastfeeding, something I have enjoyed and it is the beginning of her needing her Mummy less.

Wednesday 9 February 2011


I went into the kitchen leaving Jess sitting next to her toy box and came back in to find her kneeling at her toy box and looking very pleased with herself - and then she tried standing.

Jess now tries to pull herself up on your knees whenever she is can.

Wednesday 2 February 2011


Jess is comando crawling so much that today she got to Amy's little table reached up, knocked the plate off and then quickly grabbed some cake.... yum!!! So much for keeping her away from cake until a year like I did with Amy!!!