Monday 31 October 2011


Jess went to her first Halloween party today at our Neighbours Louise and Isabelle - she loved their black cat Toni!

Wednesday 26 October 2011


Jess properly said Mummy rather than Mama today!

Wednesday 5 October 2011

I feel so guilty that I have not kept this blog going for Jess in the same way I did for Amy but the trouble is there doesn't seem to be time to. Also Jess is doing everything so fast!

She climbs, she climbs on chairs, beds, under tables, on slides, climbing frames in the playground and anythings he can find. She is so adventurous, she does everything her sister does.

Yesterday Jess met her first Budgie at the vets and was fascinated. She really loves animals and seems to have bedfriended a little jack russell called Lizzie which belongs to Grannies friend Shirely.

Jess is such a cuddler and so smily. she has such an expressive face, she delights everyone who meets her. She also knows how to make her wishes know by pointing, speaking and nodding. She understands so much that we say and I think will be very quick to pick up words. She now says Mummy, Daddy, Amy, we think said please too. She squeals when she sees animals too.

Jess has 12 teeth now, is walking very well and starting to run. She sleeps very well too, eats well, uses a spoon and folk very well. She also lets me know when her nappy is dirty.

Jess and Amy have a lovely relationship (really hope it continues) they give each other cuddles, kisses, toys and play so sweetly together. They do scream and fight over some toys but mostly play well.

Jess currently loves getting my underwear out of my drawer and wearing it like a scarf!!!

She is growing so fast and is almost 18 months old now!